R.J. Scheffel Memorial Toy Project
16991 Old U.S. 27 Suite A - Lansing, Michigan ... Mailing Address: PO Box 23181, Lansing, MI 48909-3181
   Toy Makers for Disadvantaged and "In Crisis" Children

Our Motto: "People don't stop doing things because they get older;
They get older because they stop doing things."
 About Us
 Contact Us
Volunteers - the Heart of Scheffel Toys

 Our volunteers are usually retirees from a wide range of backgrounds. Some are snowbirds that go away for the winter. They are a great group with many interests and break time produces lots of lively chatter on a wide range of subjects.
We work on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8 am to 11:30 am. The amount of time each person can give to the project determines when they can volunteer. Some come in early and some come in later. Some can make it one day but not another.

To inquire about becoming a volunteer, send an email to volunteer@scheffel-toys.org

Current Volunteers
Chris Baker

Marilyn Beach

Vee Bjornson

Chris Costigan
Margaret Costigan
Margaret Costigan

Eric Crawford

Theresa Ebbinghaus

George Grof

 Fred Hambly

Jim Hayden

Tom Hineline
Ted Holmberg
Ted Holmberg

Carol Kasuda
Paul Kilmer
Paul Kilmer

Bill Kingsbury

Gene Klco

Pat Lee
Rich Martin
Rich Martin

Kris McNeal
Tom Norton
Tom Norton

Richard Patterson

Roger Pline
Roger Pline

Russ Pline
Russ Pline

Dave Rumminger

Pat Scheetz 

Donna Schumann
Bob Scott

Kathy Seim
Kathy Seim

Kimberly Simmer
Karen Shavey
Karen Shavey

Caroline Wade
Mike Walters
Mike Walters

Darryl Warncke

Wayne Wysack

  Emeritus Volunteers
Tony Bauer 
Tony Bauer
John Baxter
John Baxter
Jean Beland
Jean Beland
John Booth
John Booth
Ann Cool
Ann Cool
Gary Gustafson
Gary Gustafson
Ed Heaviland 
Ed Heaviland
Fred Honhart 
Fred Honhart

John Irwin
Larry Koster
Larry Koster (26 Years Service)
Patty Marsh
Patty Marsh
Steve Marsh
Steve Marsh
Sandy Munson
Sandy Munson
Debbie Parks
Debbie Parks
Rosemary Pasch
Rosemary Pasch
Joe Pohl
Joe Pohl
Martha Saxton
Martha Saxton

Patricia Schultz
Fred  Wellman
Fred Wellman
Ray Wimmer
Ray Wimmer
Terry Zanger
Terry Zanger


 Volunteers We Remember
Roy Rogers (1923-2013) & Leta Reed
on a RSVP Calendar in 2003
Clayton Kowalk
Don Dewey 

Dick Ammons  
Dick Bernitt (1921-2012)
Larry Albert (1921-2012)
Clayton Vandecar (1911-2012)

Norm Beyer (1940-2013)

Bob Herbst (1940-2016)
Richard Henrizi (1923-2018)
Julie Leslie (1948-2019)
John Wenglarski (1942-2019)
 Bill Mueller
Bill Mueller (1927-2019)

Shirley Cummings (1938-2020) 
 Ron Pearce (1929-2021)
Gary Lee
Gary Lee  ( 1942-2022)
Tom Hazlett
Tom Hazlett
Barbara Honhart
Barbara Honhart  (1942-2023)
Roy Ketcheson 
Roy Ketcheson (1935-2024)

© 2024 R.J. Scheffel Memorial Toy Project